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In cele ce urmeaza vom considera spre exemplificare imlpementarea
OID-urilor (Object IDentifer) urmarind structura fizica si cea logica a acestei implementari.
Pentru inceput descierea clasei CManager , punctul de pornire in structura logica, arata dupa cum urmeaza:


class SSE_CLASS CManager
 // Delegates the retrieval of an LDAPClient factory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CLDAPClientFactoryABC& LDAPClientFactory(void);
  (return object)   (function)
 // Delegates the retrieval of an OCSPClient factory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static COCSPClientFactoryABC& OCSPClientFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a stream factory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CStreamFactoryABC& StreamFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a utilities factory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CUtilitiesFactoryABC& UtilitiesFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a AuditLogController object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CAuditLogControllerABC& AuditLogController(void);
 // Delegates the retrieval of a CryptoHandler object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CCryptoHandlerABC& CryptoHandler(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a OSAccessor object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static COSAccessABC& OS(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a CMF object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CCertificateManagementFrameworkABC& CMF(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a CMSEngineFactory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CCMSEngineFactoryABC& CMSEngineFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a ASN1Factory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CASN1FactoryABC& ASN1Factory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a TransportFactory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CTransportFactoryABC& TransportFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of an XMLFactory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CXMLFactoryABC& XMLFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a CCommonGUIFacadeABC object to the implementation
 // class pointed to by the Singleton
 static CCommonGUIFacadeABC& CommonGUI(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of an Application object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CCApplication& Application(void);

 // Returns the configuration object for an application. Subclasses will
 // override the GetConfigurationP method and return a configuration
 // object of their choice. The subclass can choose to return any subclass
 // of CConfigurationHandlerABC
 static CConfigurationHandlerABC& GetConfigurationHandler(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a PGPLibFactory object to the implementation class
 // pointed to by the Singleton
 static CPGPLibFactoryABC& PGPLibFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of a DatabaseFactory object
 // to the implementation class pointed to by the Singleton
 static CDatabaseFactoryABC& DatabaseFactory(void);

 // Delegates the retrieval of the full qualified name of the module creating
 // the manager class to the implementation class pointed to by the Singleton.
 static const CCString& GetModuleFilename(void);

 // This following static methods is used in external binaries
 static void SetSingleton(CManager* ppoSingleton);
 static void ResetSingleton(void);

 // Returns the singleton instance
 static CManager& GetSingleton(void);

 // Subclasses must override this and provide for object destruction
 virtual void Delete(void) = 0;

 // Default constructor

 // Virtual destructor
 virtual ~CManager(void);

 // Protected implementations used by static methods 
 virtual CLDAPClientFactoryABC& LDAPClientFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CPGPLibFactoryABC& PGPLibFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual COCSPClientFactoryABC& OCSPClientFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CStreamFactoryABC& SSE_METHOD StreamFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CUtilitiesFactoryABC& SSE_METHOD UtilitiesFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CAuditLogControllerABC& SSE_METHOD AuditLogControllerP(void) = 0;
 virtual CCryptoHandlerABC& SSE_METHOD CryptoHandlerP(void) = 0;
 virtual COSAccessABC& SSE_METHOD OSAccessP(void) = 0;
 virtual CCertificateManagementFrameworkABC& SSE_METHOD CMFP(void) = 0;
 virtual CCMSEngineFactoryABC& SSE_METHOD CMSEngineFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CASN1FactoryABC& SSE_METHOD ASN1FactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CTransportFactoryABC& SSE_METHOD TransportFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CXMLFactoryABC& SSE_METHOD XMLFactoryP(void) = 0;
 virtual CCommonGUIFacadeABC& SSE_METHOD CommonGUIP(void) = 0;
 virtual CDatabaseFactoryABC& SSE_METHOD DatabaseFactoryP(void) = 0;

 virtual CCApplication& SSE_METHOD ApplicationP(void) = 0;
 virtual const CCString& SSE_METHOD GetModuleFilenameP(void) const = 0;
 virtual CConfigurationHandlerABC& SSE_METHOD GetConfigurationHandlerP(void) = 0;

 // Singleton member variable
 static CManager* mpoSingleton;

 // The following constructors and operators are private with no implementation
 // to prevent their usage
 CManager(const CManager&);
 bool operator==(const CManager&) const;
 CManager& operator=(const CManager&);


Ce ne intereseaza din aceasta declaratie este sectiunea de declaratii publice ce incepe cu "public: ".
Toti membrii si toate metodele din aceasta sectiune vor trebui inclusi in structura logica.
Pentru a ajunge la implementarea OID-urilor avem nevoie sa folosim urmatorul "factory" din CManager:
static CUtilitiesFactoryABC& UtilitiesFactory(void);

//Observand tipul returnat de aceasta metoda , ne uitam la declaratia clasei UtilitiesFactoryABC :

class SSE_CLASS CUtilitiesFactoryABC

 virtual CVerifyCodeSignatureABC* SSE_METHOD
   CreateVerifyCodeSignature( ) = 0;

 // Creates a time bombing object for evaluation period handling.
 // poKey should be an application specific random byte stream and
 // it is XOR-ed with the stream content. If the size of poKey is less than
 // the stream content the key is used again.
 virtual CTimeBombingABC* SSE_METHOD
   CreateTimeBombing(const CStream& poFile, const CStream& poKey) = 0;

 // Creates a simple collection class
 virtual CObjectCollectionABC* SSE_METHOD CreateSimpleCollection(void) = 0;

 // Creates a simple String class (ppcData can be NULL)
 virtual CCStringABC* SSE_METHOD CreateString(const char* ppcData) = 0;

 // Creates a String encoder. psInput is encoded as specified by peInputEnc.
 // peOutputEnc is the encoding of the result string.
 // This can be called only for Latin-1 or UTF-8 input encodings.
 virtual CStringEncoderABC* SSE_METHOD CreateStringEncoder(
   const char *psInput,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peInputEnc,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peOutputEnc) = 0;

 // Creates a String encoder. psInput is encoded as specified by peInputEnc.
 // peOutputEnc is the encoding of the result string.
 // This can be called only for Latin-1 or UTF-8 input encodings.
 virtual CStringEncoderABC* SSE_METHOD CreateStringEncoder(
   const CCString& psInput,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peInputEnc,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peOutputEnc) = 0;

 // Creates a String encoder. poInput is encoded as specified by peInputEnc.
 // peOutputEnc is the encoding of the result string.
 // This can be called for all known input encodings.
 virtual CStringEncoderABC* SSE_METHOD CreateStringEncoder(
   const CStream& poInput,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peInputEnc,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peOutputEnc) = 0;

 // Creates an uninitialized OID object.
 virtual CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifier() = 0;

 // Creates an object identifier object for the specified OID
 virtual CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromString(const CCString& psOID) = 0;

 // Creates an object identifier object for the specified DER encoded bytes
 virtual CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromDER(const CStream& poDEROID) = 0;

 // Creates an object identifier object for the specified unique ID
 virtual CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromUniqueID(const unsigned int piUniqueID) = 0;

 // Creates date time objects
 virtual CCDateTimeABC* SSE_METHOD CreateCurrentDateTime(
   CCDateTimeABC::ETimeZone peTZ = CCDateTimeABC::TZ_LOCAL) = 0;
 virtual CCDateTimeABC* SSE_METHOD CreateDateTime(const unsigned int piYear,
                          const unsigned int piMonth,
                          const unsigned int piDay,
                          const unsigned int piHour,
                          const unsigned int piMinute,
                          const unsigned int piSecond,
                          const unsigned int piMillisecond,
                          CCDateTimeABC::ETimeZone peTZ = CCDateTimeABC::TZ_LOCAL) = 0;
 virtual CCDateTimeABC* SSE_METHOD CreateDateTime(const CCString& piDateStr,
                         const char piToken,
                         CCDateTimeABC::ETimeZone peTZ = CCDateTimeABC::TZ_LOCAL) = 0;

 // Create a big number from an integer value
 virtual CBigNumberABC* SSE_METHOD CreateBigNumberFromInteger(const int piValue) = 0;

 // Create a big number from a atream
 virtual CBigNumberABC* SSE_METHOD CreateBigNumberFromStream(const CStream& poValue) = 0;

 // Create a big number from a string
 virtual CBigNumberABC* SSE_METHOD CreateBigNumberFromString(const CCString& psValue, int piBase = 10) = 0;

 // Returns a reference to the transform engine
 virtual CTransformEngineABC& SSE_METHOD GetTransformEngine(void) = 0;

 virtual CSystemMonitorABC* SSE_METHOD CreateSystemMonitor(void)= 0;

 // Performs object destruction
 virtual void SSE_METHOD Delete(void) = 0;

 // Default constructor

 // Virtual destructor
 virtual ~CUtilitiesFactoryABC(void)


 /** @link dependency
  * @label Creates*/
 /*#  CTimeBombingABC lnkCTimeBombingABC; */
 // The following constructors and operators are private with no implementation
 // to prevent their usage
 CUtilitiesFactoryABC(const CUtilitiesFactoryABC&);
 bool operator==(const CUtilitiesFactoryABC&) const;
 CUtilitiesFactoryABC& operator=(const CUtilitiesFactoryABC&);

Din nou partea care ne intereseaza este sectiunea public ace ne ofera accesul la diferite interfete.
UtilitiesFactoryABC fiind o interfata (o clasa abstracta) ne uitam la implementarea sa CUtilitiesFactory:
class SSE_CLASS CUtilitiesFactory : public CUtilitiesFactoryABC
  Default constructor


  creates a verífy codesignature object

  @return object of CVerifyCodeSignature
 CVerifyCodeSignatureABC* SSE_METHOD
   CreateVerifyCodeSignature( );

  Creates a time bombing object for evaluation period handling.
  poKey should be an application specific random byte stream and
  it is XOR-ed with the stream content. If the size of poKey is less than
  the stream content the key is used again.

  @param poFile as CStream
  @param poKey as CStream

  @return pointer to a CTimeBombing object
   CreateTimeBombing(const CStream& poFile, const CStream& poKey);

  Creates a simple collection class

  @return a pointer to CObjectCollection
 CObjectCollectionABC* SSE_METHOD CreateSimpleCollection(void);
  Creates a simple String class (ppcData can be NULL)

  @param ppcData as char*

  @return a CCString object
 CCStringABC* SSE_METHOD CreateString(const char* ppcData);

  Creates a String encoder. psInput is encoded as specified by peInputEnc.
   peOutputEnc is the encoding of the result string.

  @param psInput as char*
  @param psInputEnc as EEncoding
  @param psOutputEncoding as EEncoding

  @return a pointer to a CStringEncoder object
 CStringEncoderABC* SSE_METHOD CreateStringEncoder(
   const char *psInput,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peInputEnc,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peOutputEnc);

  Creates a String encoder. psInput is encoded as specified by peInputEnc.
  peOutputEnc is the encoding of the result string.

  @param psInputb as CCString
  @param psInputEnc as EEncoding
  @param psOutputEnc as EEncoding

  @return a pointer to a CStringEncoder object
 CStringEncoderABC* SSE_METHOD CreateStringEncoder(
   const CCString& psInput,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peInputEnc,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peOutputEnc);

  Creates a String encoder. poInput is encoded as specified by peInputEnc.
  peOutputEnc is the encoding of the result string.

  @param poInput as CStream
  @param peInputEnc as EEncoding
  @param peOutputEnc as EEncoding

  @return a pointer to a CStringEncoder object
 CStringEncoderABC* SSE_METHOD CreateStringEncoder(
   const CStream& poInput,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peInputEnc,
   CStringEncoderABC::EEncoding peOutputEnc);

  Creates an uninitialized OID object.
  @return a CObjectIdentifier object
 CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifier();

  Creates an object identifier object for the specified OID

  @param psOID as CCString

  @return a CObjectIdentifier object
 CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromString(const CCString& psOID);

  Creates an object identifier object for the specified DER encoded bytes

  @param psDEROID as CStream

  @return a CObjectIdentifier object
 CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromDER(const CStream& poDEROID);

  Creates an object identifier object for the specified unique ID

        @param piUniqueID as unsigned int

  @return a CObjectIdentifier object
 CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromUniqueID(const unsigned int piUniqueID);

  Creates date time objects

  @param peTZ as ETimeZone

  @return a CDateTime object
 CCDateTimeABC* SSE_METHOD CreateCurrentDateTime(CCDateTimeABC::ETimeZone peTZ);

  Creates as date time object

  @param piYear as unsigned int
  @param piMonth as unsigned int
  @param piDay as unsigned int
  @param piHour as unsigned int
  @param piMinute as unsigned int
  @param piMillisecond as unsigned int
  @param peTZ as ETimeZone

  @return as date time object
 CCDateTimeABC* SSE_METHOD CreateDateTime(const unsigned int piYear,
            const unsigned int piMonth,
            const unsigned int piDay,
            const unsigned int piHour,
            const unsigned int piMinute,
            const unsigned int piSecond,
            const unsigned int piMillisecond,
            CCDateTimeABC::ETimeZone peTZ);

  create a date time object

  @param piDateStr as CCString
  @param piToken as char
  @param peTZ as ETimeZone

  @return a date time object
 CCDateTimeABC*  SSE_METHOD CreateDateTime(const CCString& piDateStr,
             const char piToken,
             CCDateTimeABC::ETimeZone peTZ);

  Create a big number from an integer value

  @param piValue as int

  @return a CBigNumber object
 CBigNumberABC* SSE_METHOD CreateBigNumberFromInteger(const int piValue);

  Create a big number from a atream

  @param poValue as CStream

  @return a CBigNumber object
 CBigNumberABC* SSE_METHOD CreateBigNumberFromStream(const CStream& poValue);

  Create a big number from a string

  @param psValue as CCString
  @param piBase as int - 10 is default

  @return a CBigNumber object
 CBigNumberABC* SSE_METHOD CreateBigNumberFromString(const CCString& psValue, int piBase = 10);

  Returns a reference to the transform engine

  @return a CTransportEngine object
 CTransformEngineABC& SSE_METHOD GetTransformEngine(void);

 /* Creates a CSystemMonitor object

  @return a CSystemMonitor object
 CSystemMonitorABC* SSE_METHOD CreateSystemMonitor(void);

  Performs object destruction
 void SSE_METHOD Delete(void);

 // Member variable
 CTransformEngineABC* mpoTransformEngine;


Aici in sectiunea private sunt regasite metodele din interfata (implementarile lor) .
Sa luam spre exemplu o metoda pusa la dispozititie de aceasta interfata:

CObjectIdentifierABC* SSE_METHOD CreateObjectIdentifierFromString(const CCString& psOID);

Apelul acestei metode ne pune la dispozitie un obiect CObjectIdentifierABC care din denumire ne indica accesul la o interfata ce este descrisa in felul urmator:

class SSE_INTERFACE CObjectIdentifierABC : public CBaseObject
 // Return true only if the GetOID method would return a valid OID.
 virtual bool SSE_METHOD IsInitialized(void) const = 0;

 // Return the oid description (obtained from dumpasn1.cfg)
 virtual CCString SSE_METHOD GetDescription(void) const = 0;

 // Return the OID in dot notation
 virtual CCString SSE_METHOD GetOID(void) const = 0;

 // Return the DER bytes
 virtual CStream SSE_METHOD GetDER(void) const = 0;

 // Return the unique identifier
 virtual unsigned int SSE_METHOD GetUniqueIdentifier(void) const = 0;

 // Returns whether the object identifier was recognised
 virtual bool SSE_METHOD IsRecognised(void) const = 0;

 // Comparison operator 
 virtual bool SSE_METHOD operator==(const CObjectIdentifierABC& poCompare) const = 0;
 virtual bool SSE_METHOD operator==(const CCString& psOID) const = 0;

 // Certain constructors and operators are declared private in the
 // CBaseObject superclass

Implementarea metodelor din interfata sunt in CObjectIdentifierImpl descrisa astfel:

class SSE_CLASS CObjectIdentifierImpl : public CObjectIdentifierABC
  Construct the implementation object
  @return CObjectIdentifierABC*
 static CObjectIdentifierABC* CreateObjectIdentifier();

  Construct the implementation object

  @param psOID as CCString
  @return CObjectIdentifierABC*
 static CObjectIdentifierABC* CreateObjectIdentifier(const CCString& psOID);

  Construct the implementation object
  @param poDER as CStream
  @return CObjectIdentifierABC*
 static CObjectIdentifierABC* CreateObjectIdentifier(const CStream& poDER);

  Construct the implementation object

  @param piUniqueID as unsigned int
  @return CObjectIdentifierABC*
 static CObjectIdentifierABC* CreateObjectIdentifier(const unsigned int piUniqueID);

 CObjectIdentifierImpl(const OID_DEFINITION& poDefinition,
            const CCString&    psOID = "",
            const int       piExceptionId = 0);

 // Return true only if the GetOID method would return a valid OID.
 bool SSE_METHOD IsInitialized(void) const;

  Return the oid description (obtained from dumpasn1.cfg)

  @return description as CCString
 CCString SSE_METHOD GetDescription(void) const;

  @return the OID in dot notation as CCString

 CCString SSE_METHOD GetOID(void) const;

  @return the DER bytes as CStream
 CStream SSE_METHOD GetDER(void) const;

  @return the unique identifier as unsigned int
 unsigned int SSE_METHOD GetUniqueIdentifier(void) const;

  @return whether the object identifier was recognised as bool
 bool SSE_METHOD IsRecognised(void) const;

  Comparison operators

  @param poCompare as CObjectIdentifier

  @return true if equal, otherwise false
 bool SSE_METHOD operator==(const CObjectIdentifierABC& poCompare) const;

  Comparison operators

  @param psOID as CCString

  @return true if equal, otherwise false
 bool SSE_METHOD operator==(const CCString& psOID) const;

  Performs object destruction
 void SSE_METHOD Delete(void);

  helper method for validating the internal state
 void SSE_METHOD Validate(void) const;

 // Member variables
 const OID_DEFINITION& moDefinition; /**< IOD definition */

 CCString       msSpecifiedOID; /**< OID-Id */
 int          miSpecifiedExceptionId; /**< exception-ID */

Implementarea finala recurge la o clasa "proxy" CObjectIdentifier :
class SSE_CLASS_FINAL CObjectIdentifier

 // Constructor for creating an uninitialized OID object.

 // Constructor taking the object id as a string
 explicit CObjectIdentifier(const CCString& psOID);

 // Constructor taking the object id as a DER encoded stream
 explicit CObjectIdentifier(const CStream& poDER);

 // Copy Constructor
 CObjectIdentifier(const CObjectIdentifier& poCopy);

 // This constructor is only to be used by the CCollection template
 explicit CObjectIdentifier(CObjectIdentifierABC* ppoOid);

 // This constructor is used for obtaining an OID using the unique ID
 explicit CObjectIdentifier(const unsigned int piUniqueID);

 // Destructor

 // Return true only if the GetOID method would return a valid OID.
 bool SSE_METHOD IsInitialized(void) const;

 // Return the oid description (obtained from dumpasn1.cfg)
 CCString SSE_METHOD GetDescription(void) const;

 // Return the OID in dot notation
 CCString SSE_METHOD GetOID(void) const;

 // Return the DER bytes
 CStream SSE_METHOD GetDER(void) const;

 // Return the unique identifier
 unsigned int SSE_METHOD GetUniqueIdentifier(void) const;

 // Returns whether the object identifier arguments specified to the
 // different constructors was recognised
 bool SSE_METHOD IsRecognised(void) const;

 // Assignment operator
 CObjectIdentifier& SSE_METHOD operator=(const CObjectIdentifier& poCopy);

 // Comparison operators 
 bool SSE_METHOD operator==(const CObjectIdentifier& poCompare) const;
 bool SSE_METHOD operator==(const CCString& psOID) const;
 bool SSE_METHOD operator!=(const CObjectIdentifier& poCompare) const;
 bool SSE_METHOD operator!=(const CCString& psOID) const;

 // This operator is only to be used by the CCollection template
 const CObjectIdentifierABC& SSE_METHOD operator*(void) const;

 // Member variables
 CSmartPointer<CObjectIdentifierABC> moValue;
Astfel, un exemplu de a obtine un OID folosind CreateObjectIdentifierFromString este:

CObjectIdentifier loOid(

Deci avem lantul logic:


Daca ne punem problema asupra implementarii fizice a clasei observam ca este derivata din CBaseObject :
class SSE_CLASS CBaseObject
 // Compares this object agains the specified object and returns:
 // -1 = Less than; 0 = Equal to; 1 = Greater than
 virtual const int SSE_METHOD Compare(const CBaseObject& poCompare) const;

 // Default constructor

 // Virtual Destructor
 virtual ~CBaseObject(void);

 // Subclasses must override this to provide object deletion
 virtual void SSE_METHOD Delete(void) = 0;

 long miReferenceCount;

 // Increments the reference count on this object
 void SSE_METHOD AddReference(void);

 // Decrements the reference count on this object
 bool SSE_METHOD ReleaseReference(void);

 friend CSmartObject;
 friend CObjectCollectionABC;
 friend CCString;
Aceasta este clasa de baza pentru toate obiectele ce vor avea reference counting , clasa ce are acces la implementarile claselor CSmartObject, CObjectCollectinABC, CCString.
Oricum, ce ne intereseaza este ca avem structura fizica:


Pentru parsarea declaratiilor de clasa si a membrilor sai (declaraii de variabila , prototipuri de functii) se poate folosi descrierea sintaxei din standard ce poate fi gasit la

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